I received my Master of Fine Arts degree in Inter media art from the University of Iowa in 1996. I have traveled widely to northern climates pursuing my interest in traditional art forms including weaving, knitting, spinning, and felting. After working as visiting artist in the Northwest Territories with an Inuit women’s sewing cooperative, I received a Fulbright Fellowship to study traditional textiles in Sweden for two years at Saterglantan Hemslojdens gard in Insjon, Handarbetets Vanner in Stockholm and Jurva College of Arts and Crafts in Finland. In addition to textiles, my work includes mixed media, metalsmithing, and drawing.
For the past twenty years my creative work has always incorporated animal imagery and themes as a vehicle to communicate the fragility of life. I use images of lambs, horses, foxes, wolves, dogs, cats, and rabbits to communicate the human condition in relation to the natural world, from the cultivated and domestic to the wild and untamed. I am a Professor of Fine Art at the University of Cincinnati, Clermont College.